Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Services

Natural disasters, cyberattacks, and human error can all devastate your network technology and business. To protect your organization against catastrophic downtime, you need a plan to defend yourself.  Backup and disaster recovery services from NSN Management empower you to proactively protect your sensitive data and systems from downtime, allowing you to weather any storm, no matter how frightening. 

Protect Your Business Learn More About BDR
IT support specialist handling hardware

What is Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR)?

To truly secure your business, BDR solutions combine two distinct parts: data backups and disaster recovery planning. Here’s what both of those concepts mean.

Effectively backing up data isn’t just about copying data and hoping for the best; it’s about identifying how sensitive data is generated, choosing the right backup appliance for each system, and storing data in safe locations.

You have backups, but now what? To protect your business, you’ll need to have a detailed, actionable plan to restore your systems and data after disaster strikes that encompasses your data, software, and hardware.

The Benefit of Personalized Disaster Recovery Services & Support

There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to disaster recovery planning. Every business needs a backup and recovery solution that is tailored to its operations and goals. The NSN Management team helps you apply all the best practices we’ve gathered during nearly two decades helping our community. 

IT manager leading meeting and discussing notes on whiteboard

Maintaining Your Disaster Recovery Solution

By measuring the impact of our solution and making continuous improvements to these metrics, we ensure that your organization stays resilient.

Recovery Point Objective:

The maximum amount of data (measured by hours or days) that you can acceptably lose.

Recovery Time Objective:

The amount of time you have to restore operations before you experience serious business disruption.

Cloud Backups Allows You to Sleep Better at Night

The cloud has dramatically improved the way that businesses build and manage disaster recovery solutions. Without the need for large capital investment in hardware, you can still achieve next-generation power and functionality.

Disaster Recovery vs. Business Continuity

Disaster recovery is often confused with another, related strategy called “business continuity.” While the two concepts are similar, there are also very important differences between them.

This concept is focused on ensuring that all your technology, from servers to phones, is ready to bounce back after a disaster.

The goal here is to create a redundancy plan for your entire organization, including office space and personnel.

So, which solution is right for your business? That depends on your business and goals. For companies in healthcare, financial services, and industries, where operational downtime needs to be minimized, business continuity might be best. For most growing businesses, a disaster recovery solution is enough to keep them safe. 

To be sure you’re on the right path, speak with the friendly NSN management team! We’ll help analyze your business and goals and then determine the right solution for you.  

IT professionals working together in office on client hardware

Protect Your Critical Data and Secure Your Business

For over 15 years, the NSN Management team has been helping businesses deploy and maintain BDR solutions that are perfect for their business. Want a friendly expert to help guide you to greater stability? Contact us at (918) 770-9150 or

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